Community Update 2/8/23

Apr. 01, 2023

Good morning, Residents:

Meeting Minutes – Sorry for the delay in posting but awaiting some updates from Pulte on a couple of questions we hope to get answered and the final approval to release them no later than this Friday.  

Smoke / Air Quality – Agriculture burning is being conducted in the area by the City of Jacksonville by Environmental Quality Division as weather conditions at this time are favorable to minimize smoke impacts into surrounding communities.  If you are sensitive to burning, please take appropriate precautions.

Pool table felt was applied yesterday and there will be some additional woodwork needing to be completed in the upcoming quarter as we can get it scheduled but is now open for play.  Follow the pool table play rules, be mindful of others sharing the space and exercise classes taking place.  

The Board is doing its due diligence and has put the landscaping contract out to bid.  We have invited seven companies to bid, so you will see them on property measuring.  A new form of measuring includes drone photography of common areas.  We have one scheduled for Thursday, February 9th and additional companies will be doing some of the same scope of work.   NO spying, I promise.

Be our Valentine ~ On Tuesday, February 14th, 2023, the clubhouse will open at 7:30am and we will be offering bagel or croissant (while supplies last) for those that go to work early.  Throughout the day we will feature special treats until 3pm.  We hope you will be able to make your way to the clubhouse to celebrate with us.  

Garage doors ~ please make sure you close them at night.  Residents are reporting that owners are leaving garage doors open overnight and just want everyone to be safe.

South/Main Gate is open 9am-6pm daily.  The north/back gate opens 6:30am M-F, 7am on Saturday and 8am on Sunday.   Make sure you add your vendors to your guestlist or let them know how to access the community.  We have been noticing quite a few trucks sitting in the front waiting for the gates to open.

Turf ~ if you have lived in Florida any amount of time it takes quite a bit of work to keep your turf looking good.  Treatments for Cinch Bugs are essential to keeping your lawn alive and keeping peace with your neighbors as they can spread into their lawns.  The bugs can cause major damage which could mean spending money to resod your lawn which is not an inexpensive task.  

Sunday, February 19th of President’s Day weekend we will feature a food truck and music at the Pavilion area.  Additional information will be in the Weekly Lifestyle Update.

St. Patrick’s Day Celebration is Friday, March 17, 2023 – 5pm-8pm.  Tickets are $10 per person and available for purchase at the front desk. Celebration will be limited to 200 residents. 

Slow down when driving through the community.  We have had a couple near misses especially around Phase II and Phase III.  We have communicated to construction as well.  

Warmest regards,

Dawn Schwartz, LCAM

General Manager

Del Webb eTOWN